Omar Sons Company
One of the leading repair centers of electric motors and generators in Egypt and the middle east. More than 30 years of knowledge and experience in the field of repairs, repair and overhauling of motors and generators of all sizes and types.
The company consists of 40 employees in a field of 800 sq. m. on 2 levels basis, 3 overhead cranes with 20 tons capacity on each lane:
- Authorized repair center for ATB-SEVER company Serbia for repair and overhauling of all types of motors including explosion-proof motors (EX MOTORS).
- Motor certified rebuilder and motor service partner from SKF company Sweden
- Specialized motor repair center for medium voltage motors from VONROLL company Switzerland.
- Active member at The Electrical Apparatus Service Association, Inc. (EASA) USA.
Our Heritage change to company history
the year 1987 MR SAID OMAR founded OMAR SONS COMPANY OSC in 30 sq. m. in 97 Mustafa Kamel street, Bakos, Alexanderia, Egypt.
However, the small size of this workshop Originally equipment with a few hand tools. The firm began repairing motors and generators of medium sizes compared to the workshop area and start to take over a big market share and a bridge of trust was established between the our clients and the firm.
In 1990 Mr. Said start to add trading part to the company in all the spare parts and materials for motors and generator repairs and new , used motors too
the head office 1 Tamazin Street, Fleming ,Alexandria ,Egypt became responsible for getting best materials ,machines, motors from all over the world to the repair center and for trading business.
On 2003 we have new repair center the current place became the main repair center in 445 Canal Mahmoudia Street, industerial zone, smouha, Alexandria, Egypt.
800 sq. m. on 2 levels basis and a combined lift crane capacity up to 20 ton became the main repair center but the old place kept operating
Now we are equipped to handle motor repairs for small electric motors of fractional horsepower to large, high voltage (11,000 volts) induction and synchronous electric motors, DC, Slip Ring , explosion proof (EX motors)
Our Mission, Vision & Values
(change to intergrity)

Everything we do is driven by INTEGRITY. It defines us as a business, a partner and a team.
In this spirit, we build on the determination, ingenuity and hard work of those that came before us and those around us, developing stronger relationships and more integrated solutions. Through this, we forge leadership in engineering services.
To be the international independent partner of choice within the field of engineering services.
Listening to our client’s needs, understanding the requirements, delivering the solution – we strive to exceed our customer expectations, deliver against our values and support sustainable growth.
NTEGRITY: Defining how we do business, treat our customers, our partners and our employees
EMPOWERMENT: Encouraging our workforce to take ownership in the pursuit of success
RELATIONSHIPS: Developing long-term, beneficial relationships with our customers, employees
TRANSPARENCY: Sustaining a transparent approach as a partner of choice
PROGRESSIVE: Establishing our ambition for agility and success
We constantly seek sustainable growth, to share best practice and continuous improvement in our revenues and customer relationships, personal progress in our people and advancement in technology and processes as we look to understand the marketplace, making us an agile partner… to position ourselves for the future.
PRIDE: To be confident in what we can do and proud in what we have done
RESPONSIBLE: Protecting the wellbeing of our employees, partners and environment is paramount